Khmer Language Learning Guidelines
This page will eventually contain documents describing typical learner proficiency acquisition for all four language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing). For now, only speaking is included.
Khmer Language Speaking Proficiency Guidelines
This document is very much a work-in-progress, but could be useful to you nonetheless: these are the speaking proficiency guidelines I'm working on for Khmer, both for heritage and other non-native speakers. They're based on the proficiency standards created by ACTFL. This document explains, using my experience teaching at SEASSI as a reference point, exactly what you should be able to accomplish using spoken Khmer after various numbers of hours of instruction. Right click on this link if you want to download the PDF file (as opposed to having it open in this browser window). Several separate vocabulary lists (given in Khmer script, IPA phonetics, and English gloss) are referred to in the Speaking Guidelines document. Follow the links below to open/download these lists. Note that only a few of the lists referred to in the Speaking Guidelines have been completed to date.
Vocabulary Lists Referred to in the Above Document:
The next document is a color-coded chart showing overall expected progress (again, using the Khmer SEASSI program as the main reference point) for learners of Khmer (both native and non-native speakers) in all four skill areas (Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing), over the course of all levels of Proficiency defined by ACTFL. Right click on this link if you want to download the PDF file (as opposed to having it open in this browser window).
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