Extreme Khmer Video Podcast
Welcome to what's probably the first video podcast ever in Khmer. The concept is simple: each month (from September to May), our crack team of wacky reporters takes you on the scene in Southeast Asia into the middle of Khmer culture and language.
The language used in the podcasts is meant to be mostly understandable to anyone who's completed at least one year (or SEASSI summer) of Khmer language study. For most episodes, there will be links to additional material for that show (always found on this page), including explanations of vocabulary and grammar and video footage not used in the final edited version of the episode.
If you just want to watch the podcast episodes in all their high-resolution, widescreen glory, go back to the main index page for studykhmer.com and use the controls to play the video of the current episode. Previous episodes (as well as the current episode) can also be found on my YouTube Channel.
If you'd like to download the version of the video right now which will play on your Video iPod, right-click on the link below for the episode you want (if you're using Internet Explorer, choose "Save Target As;" if you're using Mozilla Firefox, choose "Save Link As").
If you want to subscribe to the RSS feed of the podcast (via feedburner.com), so you can manage subsequent podcast episodes in iTunes or whatever software you use, click on the "RSS" button below.
Enjoy, and feel free to send your comments and questions to the website overlord
Extreme Khmer Video Podcast and all features on studykhmer.com are paid for out of my own pocket. Besides the income I get from selling the textbooks, this site is essentially a labor of love. My many hours of work on this site are not compensated by anyone...if you feel so moved, donations are always appreciated!
Episode One: Surin Khmers in Thailand (9/6/06 approx. 32 Mb)
Episode Two: Wat Phnom (9/30/06 approx. 66 Mb)
Episode Three: Khmer Comic Artists Today (10/18/06 approx. 100 Mb)
Episode Four: Female Moto Dup (11/13/06 approx. 75 Mb)
Episode Five: Cambodian Airline Pilot (12/12/06 approx. 86 Mb)
Episode Six: Former Students Today (1/18/07 approx. 91 Mb)
Episode Seven: Preah Ko/Preah Kaew, Part 1 (3/9/07 approx. 103 Mb)
Episode Eight: Preah Ko/Preah Kaew, Part 2 (4/17/07 approx. 114 Mb)
Episode Nine: Edible Spiders (5/11/07 approx. 88 Mb)
Follow the link below to hear the full rap song "Bae Yoeung Mao Min Phuk" by Aa-Ping, featured in the closing credits to this episode.
Episode Ten: Studying Khmer in Surin (9/17/07 approx. 116 Mb)
Episode Eleven: Cambodian Microbrew (10/29/07 approx. 103 Mb)
Episode Twelve: Contemporary Artists, Part 1 (11/15/07 approx. 117 Mb)
(scroll to the bottom of the page in the link above for full-length videos of the interviews which appear in this podcast)
Episode Thirteen: Contemporary Artists, Part 2 (1/3/08 approx. 109 Mb)
(scroll to the bottom of the page in the link above for my full-length interviews with Linda Saphan, who appears in Episodes 12 and 13)
Episode Fourteen: Surin Kantreum (2/4/08 approx. 117 Mb)
(scroll to the bottom of the page in the link above to view full-length versions of several of the songs in Nam Pheung's live concert featured in this episode.
Episode Fifteen: The Chams (3/6/08 approx. 116 Mb)
(scroll down for a video of the 2004 student presentation)
(scroll down until you come to the video)
Episode Sixteen: The Kuy, The Elephant Trainers (9/4/08 approx. 88 Mb)
Episode Seventeen: Book Fair (10/19/08 approx. 129 Mb)
Episode Eighteen: Dawng Kaer (12/4/08 approx. 94 Mb)
Episode Nineteen: Surin Monks (1/17/09 approx. 129 Mb)
Episode Twenty: Return to Phnom Penh (2/14/09 approx. 130 Mb)
Purchase Teeda Butt's book To Destroy You is No Loss in several formats on Amazon.
Episode Twenty-One: Battle of the Sexes! (4/4/09 approx. 101 Mb)
Episode Twenty-Two: The Westerner and the Dogs (9/22/09 approx. 134 Mb)
Episode Twenty-Three: Working Construction in Surin (11/23/09 approx. 101 Mb)
Episode Twenty-Four: Kounila Keo, Khmer Journalist and Blogger (3/15/11 approx. 188 Mb)